Workplace Safety

Fire Safety and Awareness

The Fire Awareness course aims to ensure delegates are aware of how fires start, spread and are controlled and to gain a better appreciation of the threats posed by fire to themselves, others and property at the workplace. By the end of the course delegates will:

  • Understand their duties relating to fire safety under law
  • Identify how to prevent fire and limit the spread of fire
  • Acknowledge the importance of effective evacuation
  • Understand the requirements of an effective fire action plan.






1/2 Day

Valid for

3 Years


Supported by CITB grant

About this course

The Fire Safety Order (2005) requires by law that construction sites have a person responsible for the general fire safety practices. This includes carrying out tasks such as up to date risk assessments and implementing appropriate measures of fire prevention, to minimise risk to life and property.

The Fire Safety and Awareness course covers the following:

  • Legislation
  • Definition of the responsible person
  • Duties of a competent person
  • Introduction to fire risk assessment
  • Basic fire prevention
  • Chemistry of fire
  • Classes of fire
  • Common causes of fire
  • How fire spreads
  • Hazard identification
  • Managing people with special needs in your building
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Co-operation with the emergency services
  • Fire-fighting equipment
  • Dangerous substances and flammable materials

Optional extras

  • Live fire training and use of fire extinguishers can be added to this awareness course. Contact us for details.

Who this course is for

UK law requires all employees to complete adequate fire safety training that will enable them to identify and reduce the risks that fire presents in the workplace. The Fire Awareness course is suitable for all employees regardless of job role.


This course is delivered through classroom-based tutorials including discussions and group exercises. Where practicable, an on-site practical evacuation exercise will be performed. Delegates will complete a short written assessment to confirm their understanding.


Courses are available at training centres nationwide. This course can also be delivered on your premises subject to minimum delegate numbers and suitability of the venue. Please contact us for information.


Construction Skills People accredited certificate.


This course is delivered through classroom-based tutorials including discussions and group exercises. Where practicable, an on-site practical evacuation exercise will be performed.

Additional Information

The content of this course includes awareness of periodic examinations of equipment. This course does not provide full training in the maintenance of equipment. This course includes awareness on Fire Risk Assessments(FRA) but does not enable delegates to carry out FRAs or deem them competent to do so.

Check price and availability

  • A member of our training team will contact you with course details, locations and prices.

Entry Requirements

It is important that all delegates have a good understanding of spoken and written English.