Building Maintenance
Building Maintenance, Multi-trade Repair and Refurbishment

Valid for
Lifetime award
About this course
The Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Building Maintenance Multi-trade Repair and Refurbishment Operations qualification has been developed for achievement in a real workplace environment which means you need to be employed to undertake this qualification.
This qualification enables you, the learner, to demonstrate and recognise your skills, knowledge and understanding and to demonstrate your competence in a real workplace environment so you can work in two or more of the following disciplines:
- Carpentry and Joinery
- Painting and Decorating
- Tiling
- Plastering
- Roofing, or
- Trowel Occupations
within the construction industry.
You will be assessed against a set of performance and knowledge statements which have been derived from National Occupational Standards for your occupational area. You will be assessed by an occupationally competent and qualified assessor whose job is to work with you and help you complete your qualification.
This qualification supports the learner to attain enabling, fundamental and transferable practical skills with associated underpinning knowledge.
To achieve this qualification a minimum of 62 credits need to be attained. This comprises the 4 mandatory units (15 credits), plus 1 unit from optional unit Group A (min 8 credits), plus units (minimum of 39 credits) from at least 2 of the Optional Unit Groups B to G.
Optional Group A:
The learner must achieve a minimum of 8 credits from this group. (Min Credits: 8)
- Establishing Work Area Protection and Safety in the Workplace
- Erecting and Dismantling Access/Working Platforms in the Workplace
- Clearing the Site and Handing Over on Completion in the Workplace
Optional Groups B-G : The learner must achieve 39 credits from at least 2 of the optional groups. (Min Credits: 39)
Optional Group B – Maintenance Carpentry and Joinery:
The learner may achieve units from this group. (Min Credits: 14)
- Repairing, Replacing and Renewing Gates, Posts and Fencing in the Workplace
- Maintaining Non-structural or Structural Components in the Workplace
- Maintaining Non-structural Carpentry Work in the Workplace
Optional Group C – Maintenance and Painting:
The learner may achieve units from this group. (Min Credits: 7)
- Preparing Background Surfaces for Plastering, Tiling, Panelling or Painting/Decorating in the Workplace
- Hanging Standard Paper Wallcoverings in the Workplace
- Applying Paint Systems by Brush and Roller in the Workplace
Optional Group D – Maintenance Tiling:
The learner may achieve units from this group. (Min Credits: 7)
- Tiling Wall and Floor Structures in the Workplace
- Removing and Renewing Floor Screeds in the Workplace
- Preparing Background Surfaces for Plastering, Tiling, Panelling or Painting/Decorating in the Workplace
Optional Group E – Maintenance Plastering:
The learner may achieve units from this group. (Min Credits: 12)
- Preparing Background Surfaces for Plasterwork in the Workplace
- Applying Finishing Plaster to Background Surfaces in the Workplace
Optional Group F – Maintenance Roofing:
The learner may achieve units from this group. (Min Credits: 14)
- Repairing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Systems in the Workplace
- Repairing Membrane Roofing Systems in the Workplace
- Removing and Repairing Eaves and Verge Finishings in the Workplace
- Maintaining Slate and Tile Roofing in the Workplace
Optional Group G – Maintenance Trowel Occupations:
The learner may achieve units from this group. (Min Credits: 19)
- Repairing Basic Stonemasonry Structures in the Workplace
- Repairing and Maintaining Masonry Structures in the Workplace
Mandatory Units
Moving, handling and storing resources in the workplace
Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace
Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace
Deliver reliable customer service
Optional Units
Repairing and maintaining masonry structures in the workplace
Maintaining slate and tile roofing in the workplace
Repairing basic stonemasonry structures in the workplace
Repairing membrane roofing systems in the workplace
Applying finishing plaster to prepared surfaces in the workplace
Erecting and Dismantling Access/Working Platforms in the Workplace
Installing, maintaining and removing work area protection and safety equipment in the workplace
Tiling Wall and Floor Surfaces in the Workplace
QCF142v2Interpret the given information relating to the work and resources when tiling wall and floor surfaces. Know how to comply with relevant legislation and official guidance when tiling wall and floor surfaces. Maintain safe working practices when tiling wall and floor surfaces. Select the required quantity and quality of resources for the methods of work to tile wall and floor surfaces. Minimise the risk of damage to the work and surrounding area when tiling wall and floor surfaces. Complete the work within the allocated time when tiling wall and floor surfaces. Comply with the given contract information to tile wall and floor surfaces to the required specification.
Repairing sheeting and cladding systems on roofs and walls (including rainscreen) in the workplace
Removing and repairing eaves and verge finishings in the workplace
Removing and Renewing Floor Screeds in the Workplace
Preparing background surfaces for plastering, tiling, panelling or painting/decorating in the workplace
Clearing the site and handing over on completion in the workplace
Repairing, replacing and renewing gates, posts and fencing in the workplace
Hanging standard paper wallcoverings in the workplace