Site Supervisor
Site Supervision – Building and Civil Engineering

Valid for
Lifetime award
About this course
The aim of this qualification is to recognise the knowledge, skills and competence demonstrated by an individual in the workplace. This Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Construction Site Supervision ‐ Building and Civil Engineering provides the opportunity for individuals who specialise in building and civil engineering to demonstrate their competence. The units in this qualification are derived from National Occupational Standards.
The Rule of Combination (RoC) below specifies the combination of units that need to be achieved for the individual to be awarded the qualification.
To achieve this qualification 127 credits need to be attained. This includes the 14 units in the Mandatory Group.
Mandatory Units
Controlling Work Progress Against Agreed Programmes in the Workplace
A/504/8549Implement systems to monitor and record progress of work against agreed programmes., Identify any deviations from planned progress which has or may occur, that could disrupt programmes and schedules., Investigate circumstances of any deviations thoroughly, and agree and implement appropriate corrective actions., Recommend options most likely to minimise increases in cost and time to help work progress, and pass onto the people responsible., Inform people responsible regularly about progress, changes to operational programmes and resource needs, and suggest decisions and actions that need to be taken., Identify improvements from feedback received and recommend to the people responsible.
Maintaining Systems for Health, Safety, Welfare and Environmental Protection in the Workplace
D/504/8544Produce clear requests for plant, equipment or machinery which meets the needs of projects or operations.Ensure and record that plant, equipment or machinery meets operational and statutory requirements prior to use in the workplace and allocate to suitable operations.Identify hazards and assess risks arising from the use of plant, equipment or machinery and implement measures that protect people and the environment.Keep records of the use of plant, equipment or machinery.Recommend alternative types of plant or equipment to decision makers where existing plant, machinery or equipment is deemed unsuitable for allocated operations.Issue instructions for the use of plant, equipment or machinery to operators and others directly involved.Check and confirm that operators of plant, equipment or machinery are trained, certificated and authorised for the relevant type, and monitor for safe working.Ensure the appropriate storage, servicing and maintenance of plant, equipment or machinery meets operational and statutory requirements.Inform decision makers/ people responsible when plant, equipment or machinery is no longer required.
Maintaining Supplies of Materials to Meet Project Requirements in the Workplace
D/600/7518Supervise the storage and use of materials and components so that material handling and movement is efficient and wastage minimised., Calculate and keep accurate records of deliveries and stock position and pass the information on to decision makers., Identify and record problems with supply, discuss the information with material suppliers and pass on to decision makers., Check stock records regularly and calculate what replacement stock will be needed., Identify opportunities for improving the use of stock and stock turnover and recommend improvements to decision makers.
Maintaining the Dimensional Accuracy of Work in the Workplace
D/600/7521Ensure the workforce is provided with sufficient clear and accurate information to enable them to position, align and/or level the work or loads., Observe and check dimensional controls and record results to meet quality standards., Identify any deviations in positions, alignments or levels and take measures to promptly correct them., Recommend revised work practices and procedures to minimise deviations and to allow for different circumstances and conditions.
Allocating Work and Checking People's Performance in the Workplace
D/600/7552Confirm the programme or operations and schedules, identify priorities and critical activities, and plan how the work will be undertaken., Allocate work to team members, taking into account their current circumstances, and brief them on the quality standards or level expected., Monitor the progress and quality of the work and provide prompt and constructive feedback., Motivate team members to complete the work they have been allocated and provide, where requested and possible, any additional support and/or resources., Identify unacceptable or poor performance, discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team members., Recognise successful completion of significant pieces of work or work activities by team/team members, and advise responsible people.
Contributing to the Control of Work Quantities and Costs in the Workplace
J/600/7531Implement appropriate works quantities and cost control systems able to provide early warnings of problems., Regularly collect and record quantities and cost data, and pass on in time to people who need to use that data., Identify opportunities for cost savings and recommend findings to people responsible., Investigate variations and agree and implement appropriate corrective actions with the people responsible.
Assessing and Recommending Work Methods for Carrying Out Site Operations in the Workplace
K/504/8546Identify and use available project data to enable decisions on work methods to be made., Obtain more information from other sources where available project data is insufficient., Evaluate work methods against relevant technical and project criteria., Communicate work methods to decision makers., Analyse and quantify the selected work method for its activity content., Ensure a method statement is prepared and approved prior to commencement of work.
Developing and Maintaining Good Occupational Working Relationships in the Workplace
M/503/2915Develop, maintain and encourage working relationships to promote good will and trust., Inform relevant people about work activities in an appropriate level of detail, with the appropriate level of urgency., Offer advice and help to relevant people about work activities and encourage questions/requests for clarification and comments., Clarify proposals with relevant people and discuss alternative suggestions., Resolve differences of opinion in ways that minimise offence and maintain goodwill, trust and respect.
Planning Activities and Resources to Meet Work Requirements in the Workplace
M/504/8547Organise activities to make the most efficient use of the available resources., Evaluate alternative methods, resources and systems to select the best solution to meet programmes and schedules., Obtain clarification or advice from various sources where the resources needed are not available., Analyse activities against project or operation data and the requirements of external factors., Update existing programmes and schedules of planned activities and suggest them to decision makers/persons responsible., Implement systems to monitor and record works against programmes and schedules, and use the results to improve future production and planning.
Allocating and Monitoring the Use of Plant, Equipment or Machinery in the Workplace
M/504/8550Produce clear requests for plant, equipment or machinery which meets the needs of projects or operations., Ensure and record that plant, equipment or machinery meets operational and statutory requirements prior to use in the workplace and allocate to suitable operations., Identify hazards and assess risks arising from the use of plant, equipment or machinery and implement measures that protect people and the environment., Keep records of the use of plant, equipment or machinery., Recommend alternative types of plant or equipment to decision makers where existing plant, machinery or equipment is deemed unsuitable for allocated operations., Issue instructions for the use of plant, equipment or machinery to operators and others directly involved., Check and confirm that operators of plant, equipment or machinery are trained, certificated and authorised for the relevant type, and monitor for safe working., Ensure the appropriate storage, servicing and maintenance of plant, equipment or machinery meets operational and statutory requirements, Inform decision makers/ people responsible when plant, equipment or machinery is no longer required.
Coordinating and Organising the Control of Work in the Workplace
T/504/8548Assemble and review relevant information used in the preparation of project or operational plans and clarify unclear information., Communicate and agree programmes or operational plans, methods and attendance with the people doing the work., Plan and obtain sufficient resources and attendance of the appropriate type which meets project or operational requirements and timescales., Organise and control sites (or specific operational areas) and resources to establish safe and tidy sites/areas, creating a positive image of the organisation and project., Organise work activities and implement work measures that take into account appropriate factors and influences.
Implementing Communication Systems for Construction Projects in the Workplace
Y/600/7520Implement organisational communication systems for projects., Maintain methods of communication, reporting, recording and retrieving information between people and organisations, that may have an interest, appropriate to the needs of the project, Monitor organisational communication systems regularly for effectiveness., Identify and investigate breakdowns in communication and take action to restore effective communication., Set up systems to record and provide feedback on ways in which communication can be improved.
Controlling Work Against Agreed Standards in the Workplace
F/600/7527Identify quality standards from available information and pass onto people responsible for their implementation before work starts., Communicate the responsibilities that individuals have for maintaining quality., Implement systems to inspect and control the quality of work and record the outcomes., Check regularly that work conforms to the design requirements and the specified quality standards., Identify work which fails the requirements and specified quality standards and ensure corrective action is taken., Inform decision makers regularly about significant variations in quality standards, programme and safety implications, and suggest improvements., Identify improvements from feedback received and recommend them to people responsible.
Co-ordinating Preparation Work for Site or Lifting Operations in the Workplace
H/600/7536Identify and use relevant information used to prepare the project or lift plans, clarify any unclear information and update for production or operational planning purposes., Identify factors which may affect proposed works or operations, describe and summarise accurately and pass onto people who may be affected., Confirm access points for sites and works or operations which are safe and include works traffic and pedestrian segregation and minimise disruption., Confirm arrangements for adequate site safety, welfare and security before work or operations start, and whilst working on site., Confirm available resources for projects or operations before work starts., Implement the site or work area layout for operational purposes and pass on information about the plans to the people who will be working onsite., Implement the storage and use of materials and components so that materials handling and movement is efficient and wastage is minimised., Place and maintain notices which provide accurate information about the works or operations and which conform to statutory and site requirements., Ensure notice has been given to all people who will be affected by the work or operation, about when it starts, for how long it will take and when it finishes.