Planning Lifts
Planning Lifts

Valid for
Lifetime award
About this course
The aim of this qualification is to recognise the knowledge, skills and competence demonstrated by an individual in the workplace. This Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations ‐ Planning Lifts (Construction) provides the opportunity for individuals who specialise in planning lifting operations to demonstrate their competence. The units in this qualification are derived from National Occupational Standards.
The Rule of Combination (RoC) below specifies the combination of units that need to be achieved for the individual to be awarded the qualification.
To achieve this qualification a minimum of 89 credits need to be attained. This comprises the 7 units in the Mandatory Group
Mandatory Units
Developing and Maintaining Good Occupational Working Relationships in the Workplace
M/503/2915Develop, maintain and encourage working relationships to promote good will and trust., Inform relevant people about work activities in an appropriate level of detail, with the appropriate level of urgency., Offer advice and help to relevant people about work activities and encourage questions/requests for clarification and comments., Clarify proposals with relevant people and discuss alternative suggestions., Resolve differences of opinion in ways that minimise offence and maintain goodwill, trust and respect.
Planning Activities and Resources to Meet Work Requirements in the Workplace
M/504/8547Organise activities to make the most efficient use of the available resources., Evaluate alternative methods, resources and systems to select the best solution to meet programmes and schedules., Obtain clarification or advice from various sources where the resources needed are not available., Analyse activities against project or operation data and the requirements of external factors., Update existing programmes and schedules of planned activities and suggest them to decision makers/persons responsible., Implement systems to monitor and record works against programmes and schedules, and use the results to improve future production and planning.
Evaluating and Selecting Work Methods to Meet Project or Operational Requirements in the Workplace
M/600/7328Assess and evaluate project or operational data in order to identify work methods., Obtain additional information from other sources in cases where the available project or operational data is insufficient., Identify work methods which will make the best use of resources and materials and meets project and current legislation requirements., Evaluate identified work methods against technical, environmental and project or operational criteria and select appropriate methods., Ensure method statements are accurate, clear and concise and acceptable to all the people involved., Recommend and promote the selected work method for projects or operations.
Planning the Preparation of the Site for the Project or Operation in the Workplace
M/600/7331Assemble and review information used in the preparation of the project or operation plan, clarify information which is not clear and update it for production planning purposes., Identify factors for consideration, record them and pass them on to people who may be affected., Identify access and egress points for the site and works which are safe, convenient and minimise disruption., Organise the resources required for the preparation of site or work operations., Give accurate details about the proposed work to the utility and emergency services., Make arrangements for adequate site or operational safety, welfare, environmental protection and security., Plan the site or area layout for operational purposes and pass information about the plans to the people on the site., Ensure notices to people, which provide information that complies with current legislation, are placed and maintained.
Identifying, Allocating and Planning the Deployment and Use of Plant, Equipment or Machinery in the Workplace
Y/600/7341Ensure that the specification of the selected plant, equipment or machinery meets the needs of the project before deployment., Ensure that the plant, equipment or machinery to be deployed complies with current legislation and will be set up, operated and maintained by competent people., Implement a system to update the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery, and operators, as the project progresses or changes occur., Identify hazards and assess risks arising from the use of plant, equipment or machinery and implement measures that protect people and the environment., Ensure that plant, equipment or machinery operations are planned, appropriately and supervised and conducted in accordance with current legislation., Ensure the appropriate storage, servicing and maintenance of plant, equipment or machinery to meet operational and statutory requirements., Identify learning needs for supervisors, operators and users of plant, equipment or machinery that will or could support the project or future projects or operations., Encourage those involved or affected by plant, equipment or machinery operations to suggest improvements in safe operations., Ensure that plant, equipment or machinery which is no longer needed is returned or removed.
Planning Lifting Activities Using Cranes and/or Lifting Equipment in the Workplace
J/504/8747Confirm work requirements against sourced information when planning lifting activities using cranes and/or lifting equipment., Identify and review influencing factors and guidance material about the work environment and resources., Structure work methods by assessing and accounting for all influencing factors., Amend work methods to take account of changing circumstances whilst maintaining requirements of the lifting activity., Communicate amended work methods to people involved in the lifting activity., Prepare and record lift plans, work methods and schedules in written and visual formats, and negotiate and agree them with decision makers.
Planning and Establishing Health, Safety, Welfare and Environmental Systems for Lifting Operations in the Workplace
R/504/8749Identify and recommend actions for improving the health, safety and welfare of people affected by the lifting operation., Promote a culture of health, safety, welfare and environmental awareness, Establish procedures that ensures workforces responsibilities and competencies, and are fully inducted to the lifting operation., Ensure the identification of health, safety, welfare and environmental protection equipment and resources in order to comply with current legislation., Implement systems which meet organisational and statutory requirements to identify hazards, reduce risks and maintain the health, safety and welfare of people., Review health, safety, welfare and environmental protection systems on previous lifting operations in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements., Assess the significance of environmental factors as they affect the lifting operation and take appropriate action.